Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit Consequuntur molestiae veritatis aliquid earum voluptatum tempore quod voluptate assumenda maiores alias, nesciunt ut pariatur consectetur veniam voluptatibus amet repudiandae magni dicta est culpa neque, tempora, eum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Consequuntur molestiae veritatis aliquid earum voluptatum tempore quod voluptate assumenda maiores alias, nesciunt ut pariatur consectetur veniam voluptatibus amet repudiandae magni dicta est culpa neque, tempora, eum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Consequuntur molestiae veritatis aliquid earum voluptatum tempore quod voluptate assumenda maiores alias, nesciunt ut pariatur consectetur veniam voluptatibus amet repudiandae magni dicta est culpa neque, tempora, eum.
I have been playing around with the idea of creating a more engaging video player. Content quality, production value and distribution for video has increased incredibly fast in the past 5 years, however tools to engage with the content have not.
People want to engage with video and they want it to be contextual. Commenting is one of the most popular ways to engage with video, however the current commenting tools are disconnected from the content.
Video is linear, engagement should be as well. A commenting system that is time based encourages contextual participation and provides specific engagement data for creators and publishers.
MTV2 was MTV going back to its roots, playing only music videos. Mixing up genres and exposing new music was the playlist.
Fascinated with the Brothers Quay, I built a set, props and character out of found objects to film... with a 35mm film camera. Film porcessed and scanned to CDROMS, I then convinced the video editors at the agency I worked for to cut this on the Avid after hours, a $120k editing bay back then, ha!
Unfortunately, my Jazz drive burnt up about 10 years ago with the original and the beta has been misplaced for longer than that. So here is the postage stamp survivor....turn up sound.
Opening sequence for the independent movie POP. Looking to create something as quirky and fun as the movie, I wanted to mash together inspiration from Saul Bass, Paul Rand and Perez Perado. The crazy part was that my Powermac 8100 at the time could not render the massive size of the canvas in affter-effects, so I built it in Macromedia Director and exported as a raw video composite... haha. Unfortunately, as with the MTV clip, my Jazz drive burnt up about 10 years ago with the original and the beta has been misplaced for longer than that. So here is the postage stamp survivor....turn up sound.
I lead the creative and product strategy for TypeF, a fashion destination. TypeF was a joint partnership with Tyra Banks company Bankable and Demand Media. The site included fashion articles, videos and various apps and features.
I bootstrapped KindSpark.com, an online destination for paying it forward with a karma point system that was calculated on participation and sharing. Facebook registration and integration provided for an authentic member base and community. Unfortunately, after 18 months I had to shut down the service due to competing time constraints and development costs. The overall design was inspired by the pinterest card module and created to appeal to a female demographic.
One of the internal commercials I created while working at Demand Media. Everyone in the clip works for Trails.com and/or DemandMedia. This project was completed in house in one week inbetween projects.